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The SOGC has been working with Health Canada to address the stock-out of PTU recently and we are pleased to confirm that the situation has been resolved. Thank you to Drs. Venu Jain and Denice Feig, who assisted in the consultations with Health Canada, the SOGC and other stakeholders.

We are working together to find a solution to reduce the risk of experiencing such critical shortages of medications that are essential to obstetric practice.

Dr. Jennifer Blake and Dr. Dario Garcia

July 16, 2023
SOGC Update on Propylthiouracil (PTU) Shortage


Ottawa, Ontario - June 23, 2023

uu加速器送守望先锋,领到的的玩家不会感谢你,领不到的只 ...:上月月底前,我听到了UU加速器要送《守望先锋》的新闻,其实上月月中苏宁易购有个活动也是白嫖守望先锋,我本人是畅玩版预购用户,抽到之后送给我朋友了,我当时也不由得为游戏环境担忧。到了月底,好家伙,直接白给了。畅玩版升级典藏版,没有的领畅玩版。

June 23, 2023
【重要教程】如何使用加速器:2021-1-4 · 加速器是针对“开幕伈式”“颁奖伈式”等带视频播放的附加服务,解决了预览时播放视频卡顿的问题,下载加速包之后能够非常流畅的播放视频。Tips:年会大师系统支持windows,加速器会有版本更新,请务必确认下载的是最新版本。一、如何使用加速器


Ottawa, Ontario – June 17, 2023


SOGC Committee Opinion on Coercive Contraception Provision and Patient Autonomy in Family Planning Decisions


SOGC Committee Opinion on Coercive Contraception Provision

More News...


The SOGC is one of Canada’s oldest national specialty organizations. Established in 1944, the Society’s mission is to promote excellence in the practice of obstetrics and gynaecology and to advance the health of women through leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and education.

The SOGC has over 4,000 members, comprised of obstetricians, gynaecologists, family physicians, nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals working in the field of sexual reproductive health.

Learn More Meet the Board Academic Council

Media Updates

June 25, 2023
SOGC announces multi-tiered partnership with Merck to help support the advancement of women’s health
June 1, 2023
SOGC Announces new COVID-19 Champion partnerships
March 10, 2023
22.8亿美元,普通员工几万倍!特斯拉马斯克薪酬曝光 ...:2021-10-3 · 素有“钢铁侠”之称的马斯克拥有多家公司,而他每年的年薪一定是不菲的。 作为特斯拉CEO,马斯克在2021年从特斯拉赚了22.8亿美元,这一数字包括他的工资、股票期权、股票增值和其他津贴。特斯拉员工的工资中位数约为5.6万美元,而马斯克每年的收入是该公司员工中位数工资的40668倍。
Guidelines and JOGC


The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada (JOGC) publishes original research, reviews, case reports, and commentaries by Canadian and international authors, pertinent to readers in Canada and around the world. The Journal covers a wide range of topics in obstetrics and gynaecology and women’s health covering all life stages including the evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines, Committee Opinions, and Policy Statements that derive from standing or ad hoc committees of The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.

The Journal emphasizes vigorous peer-review and accepts papers in English and French. Abstracts for all papers are available in both languages. JOGC is indexed in Medline.


excessⅴpn安卓 - You MUST sign in below before proceeding to to access member-only content published in the JOGC.

Access to the JOGC is a benefit of SOGC membership.

Sign in to take advantage of this member benefit or join the SOGC to enjoy the Journal by clicking on ‘Become a Member’ below.

Become a Member

Latest SOGC Guidelines

Upcoming SOGC Guidelines


Dr. Bill Ehman on the SOGC's Newest Online Course: "Vaccination in Pregnancy"

"Should my pregnant patient get a flu shot?" "My patient has received a Tdap vaccine before - does she need another one in this pregnancy?" "How can I make a strong recommendation about vaccination to my vaccine-hesitant patients?"

We sat down with Dr. Bill Ehman to review these considerations. Find the answers to these questions and more in the SOGC’s newest online course : "Vaccination in Pregnancy". Registration will be available soon - keep checking our Online Courses page.


GRADE | EndNote

Online Courses
Premier medical education combined with the convenience of online study.


Designed by SOGC experts and employing the most current medical knowledge, our accredited online courses combine premier medical education with the convenience of online study. 

These courses are designed specifically for improving the learning experience and to tailor your educational experiences to meet your personal learning objectives.


Go to SOGC Online Platform

Already registered?

Please log in to access SOGC Online Platform.

ALARM Courses
Improving care provided to women, babies and families during pregnancy, labour and delivery.


The SOGC places the utmost importance on improving intrapartum care, from the process to its outcomes. One way to achieve that objective is through offering continuing education programs like the ALARM course (Advances in Labour and Risk Management).

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SOGC has opened access to some of the ALARM course materials, including the course manual, in order to assist all health care workers during this critical period. Please follow the link below to access the COVID-19 resource page.

Available ALARM resources

Go to SOGC Online Platform

Already registered?

赛车引擎的问题_百度知道:2021-4-22 · 我用引自中国模拟赛车联合会里面的一篇帖子回答你吧,你看了伍后应该会有很大收获! 下面是引用的内容: "汽车的动力来自引擎,而引擎动力的产生是利用汽缸内油气的燃烧所产生的爆发力推动活塞而来,因此要获得良好的引擎性能就要从提高引擎的燃烧效率着手,从汽缸内油气燃烧的基本理论找出 ...

Welcome and Overview

ALARM was developed by obstetricians/gynaecologists, family physicians, midwives and nurses, who jointly continue to maintain and teach the course. Backed by the SOGC, the ALARM course arose out of our work to improve the care provided to women, babies, and families during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum.

  • CFA一级知识点总结 - Slashout - 博客园:2021-9-10 · excess of purchase price over fair value! 购买价格超出其fair value的部分---不进行摊销, 每年进行测试test是否有impaired---公司可伍进行利润操控---降低实物资产的价值,提高goodwill,这样可伍减少折旧,从而增加净利润!
  • The ALARM course objective is to evaluate, update and maintain the competence of obstetricians/gynaecologists, family physicians, midwifes and nurses.
  • This two-day course offers case-based and hands-on workshops.
  • This course is not intended to certify attendees in any procedural skills. It provides education and hands-on experience, but this is not a substitute for clinical exposure and mentorship.
  • 2021政府工作报告双语全文[3] - China Daily:2021-3-18 · 3月5日,李克强总理《政府工作报告》双语全文。 三、2021年重点工作 III. The major areas of work for 2021 今年是全面建成小康社会决胜阶段的开局之年,也是推进结构性改革的攻坚之年。
The ALARM certificate will be awarded only to those who pass the written examination and who attend the course in its entirety.

If you are unable to attend an ALARM course but would like to purchase an ALARM manual, please download this form and submit it by email to

Upcoming Courses

Please note that there are upcoming ALARM courses planned that are not yet listed below. They will be added as soon as logistical aspects are finalized.

If you would like to hold an ALARM course in your community, please contact us at Please note that a minimum of 12 participants is required.

Should you have any questions about your registration, please do not hesitate to contact us at



The ALARM program would not be possible without the efforts of specialists, physicians, nurses and midwives trained to teach this course to their peers. In order to maintain the quality of this highly recognized program, the ALARM Committee has identified specific requirements for instructors throughout Canada.

In order to be eligible to take the instructor course, you must:
  • Have participated in an ALARM course in the past 4 years
  • Be currently registered as an MD (Family Physician or OB/GYN), Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife
  • Be actively providing intrapartum obstetrical care

If you meet the above requirements and wish to participate in the ALARM instructor course, please submit an application at the link below. Please note, a letter of recommendation from your employer, department head or a current ALARM Course Director is required.

If you are selected, you will be sent a registration link for the course. At this point, you will be able to pay your registration fees ($650 plus applicable taxes for OB/GYN and FP doctors; $500 plus applicable taxes for Registered Nurses and Registered Midwives) and receive access to the course materials.

Your participation at the ALARM instructor course is not a guarantee that you will become a qualified ALARM Instructor. 

To become a qualified ALARM instructor, you must:
  • Complete the Instructor course
  • Teach a course
  • Receive a favourable evaluation from the Course Director

Please note you will be required to teach once every three years to maintain your status as an active instructor following a successful completion of the evaluation process. If you fail to do so, you will have to take another ALARM course or Instructor course to maintain your active instructor status.

Space is limited to 24 participants per course. 


Richmond, BC - offered in English only

November 8, 2023

Please submit your application by September 11, 2023

漫威最美的一张亚洲脸,智慧与美貌的化身,一点都不比汪 ...:2021-5-11 · 漫威的一姐公认是黑寡妇的饰演者斯嘉丽·约翰逊,初伋复仇者,漫威片酬最高的女英雄。复联四给了寡姐一个圆满的结局,为了获得灵魂宝石而牺牲了,虽然还有自己的独立电影《黑寡妇》已经开拍,但是讲述的确实寡姐的起源故事。

Should you have any questions about your application, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Become a Member

The SOGC is the leading voice in women's health in Canada. We are a strong and vibrant society with an active and growing membership. We are here to support you in providing the best care possible to women in Canada and around the world. That's why so many health care providers have become members of the SOGC. Let us be your partner in practice.

Join now

Upcoming events

August 12 - 12
Live interactive forum - August 12, 2023
October 8 - 9
FMC du Québec 2023
, Quebec


The SOGC believes that good healthcare is built upon many partnerships and that improving healthcare requires a collaborative, holistic approach.

Providing the public with the information needed to make informed health decisions removes one barrier to improved health.

  • SOS (Stay on Schedule)

Rated one of the top 5 e-health projects in the world, provides credible and up-to-date sexual health information for teens, adults, parents, teachers, and health care providers.


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Brand Recognition Program

The SOGC Brand Recognition Program aims to assist Canadian consumers to make informed choices when selecting over-the-counter products. 

Learn More
